Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Journal of Theological Studies 69/1

New issue alert
The Journal of Theological Studies
Volume 69 Issue 1
April 2018

The 'Wisdom Literature' Category: An Obituary
Will Kynes
Daily Bread
Anthony Harvey
John 4:4–42: Defining A Modus Vivendi Between Jews And The Samaritans
Jonathan Bourgel
Peter in Corinth? A Review of the Evidence from 1 Corinthians
Stephan Witetschek
Recovering the Lost Contents of PSI X 1166 (GA 0207): Codicological Reflections on a Fourth-Century De Luxe Copy of the Apocalypse
Peter Malik; Darius Müller
Note on the Alleged Arabic Manuscript of the Life of Adam
Alin Suciu
New Testament Christology, Athanasian Apologetic, and Pagan Polemic
David Neal Greenwood
Deification In Aquinas: Created or Uncreated?
Richard Cross
Spanish Jesuits and 'The Greeks': Reception and Perception of the Eastern Church by Luis De Molina, Francisco Suárez, and Gabriel Vásquez
Eric J DeMeuse
Joseph Ratzinger's Soteriological Inclusivism
Emil Anton
Review Article
A Recent Attempt to Disprove the Resurrection of Jesus and Supernatural Beliefs
Gary R Habermas
Studies on the Language and Literature of the Bible: Selected Works of J. A. Emerton. Edited by Graham Davies and Robert Gordon
Peter J Williams
Ice Axes for Frozen Seas: A Biblical Theology of Provocation. By Walter Brueggemann
Katharine J Dell
The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Narrative
Katharine J Dell
SOTS at 100: Centennial Essays of the Society for Old Testament Study. Edited by John Jarick
Klaas Spronk
Melchizedek Passages in the Bible: A Case Study for Inner-Biblical and Inter-Biblical Interpretation. By Alan Kam-Yau Chan
Kris Sonek
Numbers: An Introduction and Study Guide: The Road to Freedom. By Eryl W. Davies
Naomi Wormell
On Prophets, Warriors, and Kings: Former Prophets through the Eyes of their Interpreters. Edited by George J. Brooke and Ariel Feldman
Lucas Glen Wisley
Joshua: An Introduction and Study Guide: Crossing Divides. By J. Gordon McConville
Bruno J Clifton, OP
1 and 2 Samuel: An Introduction and Study Guide. A Kingdom Comes. By David Firth
Brittany N Melton
First Isaiah: A Commentary. By J. J. M. Roberts. Edited by Peter Machinist
Ronald E Clements
Reading the Poetry of First Isaiah: The Most Perfect Model of the Prophetic Poetry. By J. Blake Couey
Elizabeth Hayes
Wrestling with Isaiah: The Exegetical Methodology of Campegius Vitringa (1659–1722). By Charles K. Telfer
H G M Williamson
An Introduction to the Study of Jeremiah. By C. L. Crouch
Jack R Lundbom
Jeremiah: An Introduction and Study Guide: Prophecy in a Time of Crisis. By Mary E. Mills
O Y Fabrikant-Burke
Jeremiah's Scriptures: Production, Reception, Interaction, and Transformation. Edited by Hindy Najman and Konrad Schmid
Jack R Lundbom
A Discourse and Register Analysis of the Prophetic Book of Joel. By Colin M. Toffelmire
Ruth Ebach
An Intertextual Analysis of Zechariah 9–10: The Earlier Restoration Expectations of Second Zechariah. By Suk Yee Lee
William A Tooman
The Psalter as Witness: Theology, Poetry, and Genre. Edited by W. Dennis Tucker, Jr and W. H. Bellinger
Megan Daffern
Reading Ruth in the Restoration Period: A Call for Inclusion. By Edward Allen Jones
Brittany N Melton
The Way of Lovers: The Oxford Anonymous Commentary on the Song of Songs (Bodleian Library, ms Opp. 625). An Edition of the Hebrew Text, with English Translation and Introduction. By Sara Japhet and Barry Dov Walfish
Anselm C Hagedorn
Ecclesiastes and the Riddle of Authorship. By Thomas M. Bolin
Katharine J Dell
'Perhaps there is Hope': Reading Lamentations as a Polyphony of Pain, Penitence, and Protest. By Miriam J. Bier
Jill Middlemas
Chronicles through the Centuries. By Blaire A. French
Matthew Lynch
Second Temple Songs of Zion: A Literary and Generic Analysis of the Apostrophe to Zion (11 QPSa XXII 1–15), Tobit 13:9–18 and 1 Baruch 4:30–5:9. By Ruth Henderson
Lindsey A Askin
Discovering the Septuagint: A Guided Reader. Edited by Karen H. Jobes
Christopher J Fresch
Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments in the Museum Collection. Edited by Emanuel Tov, Kipp Davis, and Robert Duke
Drew Longacre
Jews in a Graeco-Roman Environment. By Margaret H. Williams
Tessa Rajak
Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Pseudepigraphy: On Jewish Apocalyptic Literature. By John J. Collins
Ian Boxall
Dust of the Ground and Breath of Life (Gen. 2:7) – The Problem of a Dualistic Anthropology in Early Judaism and Christianity. Edited by Jacques T. A. G. M. van Ruiten and George H. van Kooten
H C Clifford
Building on the Ruins of the Temple: Apologetics and Polemics in Early Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. By Adam Gregerman
Sebastian Selvén
Copying Early Christian Texts: A Study of Scribal Practice. By Alan Mugridge
Peter Malik
Numerals in Early Greek New Testament Manuscripts: Text-Critical, Scribal, and Theological Studies. By Zachary J. Cole
J K Elliott
Novum Testamentum Graecum: Editio Critica Maior. Edited by the Institut für neutestamentliche Textforschung/The Institute for New Testament Textual Criticism. Volume 3: Die Apostelgeschichte/The Acts of the Apostles. Edited by Holger Strutwolf, Georg Gäbel, Annette Hüffmeier, Gerd Mink, and Klaus Wachtel
J K Elliott
Time and the Word: Figural Reading of the Christian Scriptures. By Ephraim Radner
Owen Edwards
Jesus before Pentecost. By William P. Atkinson
Blaine B Charette
Grace and Agency in Paul and Second Temple Judaism: Interpreting the Transformation of the Heart. By Kyle B. Wells
Alexandra R Brown
An Anomalous Jew: Paul among Jews, Greeks, and Romans. By Michael F. Bird
Sarah E Rollens
Remembering Paul: Ancient and Modern Contests over the Image of the Apostle. By Benjamin L. White
Jennifer Strawbridge
Hebrews. By Mary Ann Beavis and HyeRan Kim-Cragg. Edited by Linda Maloney
Cynthia Briggs Kittredge
Book of Seven Seals: The Peculiarity of Revelation, its Manuscripts, Attestation, and Transmission. Edited by Thomas J. Kraus and Michael Sommer
Peter Malik
Demons and Illness from Antiquity to the Early-Modern Period. Edited by Siam Bhayro and Catherine Rider
K L Jones
Gottes Körper: Jüdische, christliche und pagane Gottesvorstellungen in der Antike. By Christoph Markschies
Jan N Bremmer
Social Justice and the Legitimacy of Slavery: The Role of Philosophical Asceticism from Ancient Judaism to Late Anquity. By Ilaria L. E. Ramelli
Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen
Histoire de la littérature grecque chrétienne des origines à 451. Volume 1: Introduction: problèmes et perspectives. Volume 2: De Paul de Tarse à Irénée de Lyon. Second edition. Edited by Bernard Pouderon and Enrico Norelli
Ilaria L E Ramelli
Patristic Theories of Biblical Interpretation: The Latin Fathers. Edited by Tarmo Toom
Dominic Keech
Paradies und Sündenfall: Stoffe und Motive der Genesis 3-Rezeption von Tertullian bis Ambrosius. By Gabriele Spira
Josef Lössl
Tertullianus Afer: Tertullien et la littérature chrétienne d'Afrique. Edited by Jérôme Lagouanère and Sabine Fialon
Janet Sidaway
Universal Salvation in Late Antiquity: Porphyry of Tyre and the Pagan–Christian Debate. By Michael Bland Simmons
Joseph S O'Leary
Council of Nicaea (325): Religious and Political Context, Documents, Commentaries. By Henryk Pietras
Andrew Teal
Damasus of Rome: The Epigraphic Poetry. Introduction, Texts, Translations, and Commentary. Edited by Dennis Trout
David Woods
Enchantment and Creed in the Hymns of Ambrose of Milan. By Brian P. Dunkle
Carolinne White
Augustinus: De Musica. Edited by Martin Jacobsson
Neil Adkin
The Integrated Self: Augustine, the Bible, and Ancient Thought. By Brian Stock
John Rist
Die beiden Rezensionen von Augustins Adnotationes in Iob im Licht von Hieronymus' erster Ijob-Übersetzung: Genetische Analysen aufgrund der ältesten Codex-Fragmente Inguimbertinus 13 und Ashburnhamensis 95. By Almut Trenkler
Die Textvorlage von Augustins Adnotationes in Iob: Studien zur Erstfassung von Hieronymus' Hiob-Übersetzung iuxta Graecos. By Gerd-Dietrich Warns
Josef Lössl
Prokop von Gaza 1 : Eclogarum in libros historicos Veteris Testamenti epitome. Teil 1: Der Genesiskommentar. Edited by Karin Metzler
Prokop von Gaza: Der Genesiskommentar aus den Eclogarum in libros historicos Veteris Testamenti epitome. Translated by Karin Metzler
Peter W Martens
Abortion in the Early Middle Ages c. 500–900. By Zubin Mistry
Valerie L Garver
Brother-Making in Late Antiquity and Byzantium: Monks, Laymen, and Christian Ritual. By Claudia Rapp
Spyros P Panagopoulos
La Théologie byzantine et sa tradition: Tome I/1 (VIe–VIIe s.). Edited by Carmelo Giuseppe Conticello
Spyros P Panagopoulos
Teaching Bodies: Moral Formation in the Summa of Thomas Aquinas. By Mark D. Jordan
Richard Conrad, OP
Iohannis de Basilea, OESA Lectura super quattuor libros Sententiarum. Tomus I: Super Primum Librum. Principium primum, Quaest. 1–3. Edited by Venício Marcolino, with Monica Brînzei and Carolin Oser-Grote
G R Evans
Europe after Wyclif. Edited by J. Patrick Hornbeck II and Michael Van Dussen
Margaret Harvey
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Martin Luther. 3 volumes. Edited by Derek R. Nelson and Paul R. Hinlicky
Donald K McKim
Richard Hooker and Reformed Orthodoxy. Edited by W. Bradford Littlejohn and Scott N. Kindred-Barnes
Michael Brydon
A History of Biblical Interpretation, volume 3: The Enlightenment through the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Alan J. Hauser and Duane F. Watson
G R Evans
The Prophetic Church: History and Doctrinal Development in John Henry Newman and Yves Congar. By Andrew Meszaros
Gabriel Flynn
Martin Niemöller: Vom Marineoffizier zum Friedenskämpfer. By Michael Heymel
Ian Harker
Humanism and the Death of God: Searching for the Good after Darwin, Marx, and Nietzsche. By Ronald E. Osborn
Jens Zimmermann
Revelation: Towards a Christian Interpretation of God's Self-revelation in Jesus Christ. By Gerald O'Collins
Andrew T Loke
Heavenly Bodies: Incarnation, the Gaze, and Embodiment in Christian Theology. By Ola Sigurdson. Translated by Carl Olsen
Karen O'Donnell
Middle Knowledge and Biblical Interpretation: Luis de Molina, Herman Bavinck, and William Lane Craig. By Sze Sze Chiew
Nathaniel Gray Sutanto
The Concept of Woman. Volume 3: The Search for Communion of Persons, 1500–2015. By Prudence Allen
Ann Loades
Justice as a Virtue: A Thomistic Perspective. By Jean Porter
Lincoln R Rice
Tolerance among the Virtues. By John R. Bowlin
Stephen Wigley
Becoming Friends of Time: Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship. By John Swinton
Robin Gill
Politics, Justice, and War: Christian Governance and the Ethics of Warfare. By Joseph E. Capizzi
Richard Harries
Beyond Our Lights and Shadows: Charism and Institution in the Church. ByJudith A. Merkle
Jack Barentsen
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth: Studies in Honour of Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia. Edited by Andreas Andreopoulos and Graham Speake
Hugh Wybrew
Books Received
Books Received: (of which space precludes the publication of a review)
The Parable of the Lame and the Blind in Epiphanius and its Relation to Jewish Sources: New Texts
Ophir Münz-Manor

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